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How to buy and sell shares
How to buy and sell shares?
To perform market exchange transactions you should contact one of the seven brokers (IOB), which are currently represented by six public banks (BNA, BEA, BADR, BDL, CNEP-Bank, CPA) and two privates banks “BNP Paribas El Djazair”, Société Générale Algerie "SGA",and consulting office "TELL MARKETS", thereafter you must place an order by which you specify the number of shares and the price at which you would like to purchase. -
How to fill an order to buy or sell
How to buy and sell shares?
To perform market exchange transactions you should contact one of the seven brokers (IOB), which are currently represented by six public banks (BNA, BEA, BADR, BDL, CNEP-Bank, CPA) and one private bank “BNP Paribas El Djazair”, thereafter you must place an order by which you specify the number of shares and the price at which you would like to purchase.
How to fill an order to buy or sell?
You must mention:
• Your identity;
• The direction of the transaction: purchase or sale;
• The title or name of the security for which the order is submitted;
• The number of securities you want;
• The maximum price at which you agree to buy or the minimum price at which you agree to sell;
• The validity period of the order;
• Your signature.
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